Potty training
We will help you with potty training your child when you feel that they are ready. However, we encourage children from around eighteen months to sit on a potty after each nappy change. This has proved to be invaluable as it prevents the child becoming anxious or afraid of the potty/toilet.
Additional Needs
We have wheelchair access to the whole of the nursery. As additional needs covers a wide variety, each child will assessed individually as to see whether the nursery will be able to offer the best possible care for your child.
We will work alongside you and any other agencies involved with your child where appropriate.
All children with additional needs will work alongside other children as appropriate.
Personal Gifts
It is Nursery Policy that the staff must not be given any personal gifts.
However, if your child is leaving / Christmas etc, and you wish to show your appreciation a small box of biscuits/ chocolates that everyone can share would be acceptable.
Please note that any complaints may be addressed to the nursery manager and that complaints forms are available from the parents notice board. Alternatively, or if you feel that your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily you may contact the CIW directly at this address:
Welsh Government office
Rhydycar Business Park
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1UZ
Tel No: 0300 003 0032